in english/en español

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

We are not alone!

Solo but not alone”, someone wrote to me as he sent a 50 euros contribution to the crossing project! At PPL crowd funding – see -, from the 15Oct to the 15Jan, you may send in your support. The interesting part is that you will get some ‘rewards’:

5 €
Colocação de foto de agradecimento no facebook  (photo plus thanks on facebook)
12 €
Foto exclusiva no alto mar (com dedicatória) ou PDF do último livro do autor: 'Os novos exploradores lusos e a aventura dos sentidos' (exclusiv photo from the oceano or PDF of the last book of the author)
20 €
Referência do nome no livro 'Ensaio sobre a Solidão (a publicar), dedicatória no livro e 20% desconto (reference on the book of the crossing, still to publish, and 20% off on a signed copy of this book)
50 €
Registo do nome no barco Paraguaçú, agradecimento no livro 'Ensaio sobre a solidão' e oferta do mesmo com dedicatória (your name written on the boat plus reference on the book and offer of a signed copy)
100 €
Registo do nome do apoiante no barco Paraguaçú, agradecimento no livro 'Ensaio sobre a solidão' e oferta do mesmo com dedicatória, e telefonema para um telemóvel desde o oceano (your name written on the boat plus reference on the book and offer of a signed copy, plus a phone call straight from the ocean)

Paraguaçú is now on dried dock, in Lagos. Meanwhile, we got an MP3, a portable PC, a radio station and some more financial support. Also, the TV coverage in F. Noronha and Natal is assured. All this, thanks to João Correia, Paulo César Santos, J. Carlos Viegas, J. Soutelinho, and Layse Oliveira! We are not alone!

Photos: first 2 from J. Correia.

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